March 9, 2025: What Are You Waiting For? (Pt 7) -  The Importance of Formal Church Membership ; Bulletin

March 2, 2025: What Are You Waiting For? (Pt 6) - I Will Treasure Church Membership As a Gift; Bulletin

February 23, 2025: What Are You Waiting For? (Pt 5) - I Will Lead My Family to be Healthy Church Members; Bulletin

February 16, 2025: Jesus Clarifies the Sabbath (link to Zion Baptist Community Church - Dec 29/24); Bulletin

February 9, 2025: What Are You Waiting For? (Pt 4) - I Will Pray for my Church Leaders; Bulletin

February 2, 2025: What Are You Waiting For? (Pt 3) -  I Will Not Let My Church be about My Preferences and Desires; Bulletin

January 26, 2025: What Are You Waiting For? (Pt 2) - I Will Be a Unifying Church Member; Bulletin

January 19, 2025: Teen Challenge, Sermon   

January 12, 2025: What Are You Waiting For? (Pt 1) - I Will Be a Functioning Church Member; Bulletin 

January 5, 2025: The Tale of Two Church Members; Bulletin

December 29, 2024: They That Wait Upon the Lord; Bulletin

December 24, 2024: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service -- unavailable due to technical issues

December 22, 2024: The Christmas Story - The Prelude to the Easter Story; Bulletin

December 15, 2024: Joy to the World, Indeed; Bulletin

December 8, 2024: When Bethlehem, Time, and Faith CollidedBulletin

December 1, 2024: HOPE - From Darkness to Light, Bulletin

November 24, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 9) - What Does the Furture Hold?, Bulletin

November 17, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 8) - What is the Church?, Bulletin

November 10, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 7) - Christ's Salvation, Bulletin

November 3, 2024: The Lord's Table, Bulletin

October 27, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 6) - The Nature of Man, Bulletin

October 20, 2024: Mission Sunday - Chain of Love, Bulletin

October 13, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 5) - The World of Angels, Bulletin

October 6, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 4) - The Holy Spirit, Bulletin

September 29, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 3) - Jesus Christ The Lord, Bulletin

September 22, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 2) - Is the Bible Inspired?, Bulletin

September 15, 2024: Why We Believe What We Believe (Pt 1) - What Is God Like?, Bulletin

September 8, 2024: Three Lies Your Kids Want to Believe, Bulletin 

September 1, 2024: Hope: The Soul's Anchor, Bulletin

August 25, 2024: Hopeless or Hopeful?, Bulletin

August 18, 2024: The Faith of Abraham, Bulletin

August 11, 2024: Being a Spiritual Olympian, Bulletin

August 4, 2024: Training Our Hands For War, Bulletin

July 28, 2024: Message from 1 Samuel 3:1-21, Bulletin

July 21, 2024: Yes, Jesus Loves Me, Bulletin

July 14, 2024: When a Sign is Not Enough, Bulletin

July 7, 2024: The Two Choices, Bulletin

June 30, 2024: Dealing with Tough Times, Bulletin

June 23, 2024: Blessed to Bless, Bulletin

June 16, 2024: How Good's Your Dirt?, Bulletin

June 9, 2024: The Secrets to a Fruitful Life, Bulletin

June 2, 2024: The Great Confession, Bulletin

May 26, 2024: Sins of the Fathers & God's Grace - Pt 3 - When Dysfunction Collides with Grace, Bulletin 

May 19, 2024: Sins of the Fathers & God's Grace - Pt 2 - Jacob, Bulletin

May 12, 2024: Sins of the Fathers & God's Grace - Pt 1 - Lessons from Isaac, Bulletin

May 5, 2024: What Do You Want, Do You Really, Really Want?, Bulletin

April 28, 2024: The Tale of Three Donkeys, Bulletin

April 21, 2024: Just Say The Word!, Bulletin

April 14, 2024: The Lord's Prayer (5/5) - And Do Not Lead Us into Temptation, Bulletin

April 7, 2024: The Lord's Prayer (4/5) - Give us this Day our Daily Bread, Bulletin

March 31, 2024 (Resurrection Sunday): He is Risen - He is Risen INDEED!, Bulletin

March 24, 2024 (Palm Sunday): The Lord's Prayer (3/5) - Your Kingdom Come, Bulletin

March 17, 2024: The Lord's Prayer (2/5) - Our Father, Bulletin

March 10, 2024: And Firm in the Faith, Bulletin

March 3, 2024: The Lord's Prayer (1/5) - Why Do We Pray?, Bulletin

February 25, 2024: The War Against God, Bulletin

February 18, 2024: Our Heavenly Home, Bulletin

February 11, 2024: Peter's Spiritual Whiplash, Bulletin

February 4, 2024: Our Strange Spiritual Digestive System, Bulletin

January 28, 2024: The Outcome of a Transformed Heart, Bulletin

January 21, 2024: Limitations ... Blessing or Curse?, Bulletin

January 14, 2024: No service due to extreme weather

January 7, 2024: Fear Is A Liar, Bulletin

December 31, 2023: The Important Theology of ‘Everlasting Father’, Bulletin

December 24, 2023: Peace, Bulletin

December 17, 2023: Joy, Bulletin

December 10, 2023: Faith, Bulletin

December 3, 2023: Hope, Bulletin

November 26, 2023: Jesus: The Game-Changer, Bulletin

November 19, 2023: Spiritual Gifts Part 2: Affirmation and Use, Bulletin

November 12, 2023: Spiritual Gifts - Three Good Reasons to Learn about Them, Bulletin

November 5, 2023: Bulletin

October 29, 2023: Five Excuses, Bulletin

October 22, 2023: One Small Step for You, One Giant Leap for God's Kingdom, Bulletin

October 15, 2023: Sinner or Saint, Bulletin

October 8, 2023: Thanksgiving 101, Bulletin

October 1, 2023: Standing Around, Bulletin

September 24, 2023: Responding to God, Bulletin

September 17, 2023: Choosing Faith in Suffering, Bulletin

September 10, 2023: Of Dislocated Hips and Thorns of Flesh, Bulletin

September 3, 2023: A Better Country, Bulletin

August 27, 2023: Choosing Life, Bulletin

August 20, 2023: Real Freedom Lived Out, Bulletin

August 13, 2023: Jesus's Difficult Teachings (4/4) - The Problem with the Sword Wielding Jesus, Bulletin

August 6, 2023: Jesus's Difficult Teachings (3/4) - The Problem with Lack of Faith, Bulletin

July 30, 2023: Jesus's Difficult Teachings (2/4) - The Problem with Money, Bulletin

July 23, 2023: Jesus's Difficult Teachings (1/4) - Sins of the Body, Bulletin

July 16, 2023: Jesus the Restorer, Bulletin

July 9, 2023: Satan's Treacherous Trifecta, Bulletin

July 2, 2023: Finding God in the Chaos (4/4) - "God, I trust You!", Bulletin

June 25, 2023: Finding God in the Chaos (3/4) - "God, I'm listening", Bulletin

June 18, 2023: Finding God in the Chaos (2/4) - "God, I hear you, but...", Bulletin

June 11, 2023: Finding God in the Chaos (1/4) - "God, are there there?", Bulletin

June 4, 2023:  Living in Unity, Bulletin

May 28, 2023:  Pentecost Sunday, Bulletin

May 21, 2023:  Freedom Derailed and Defined, Bulletin

May 14, 2023:  Transformation & Mercy, Bulletin

May 7, 2023:  A New Dynamic for LifeBulletin

April 30, 2023:  Endurance Training (3/3) - The Race Set Before Us, Bulletin and Sermon Notes

April 23, 2023:  Endurance Training (2/3) - A Portrayal of Persevering Faith, Bulletin and Sermon Notes

April 16, 2023:  Endurance Training (1/3) - Draw Near, Hold Fast, & Encourage, Bulletin and Sermon Notes