Please be advised that beginning in 2025, the Carbon Valley Community Church will
conduct Maintenance at the Freudental Cemetery. This will involve the burying of
sunken slabs and/or the removal and disposal of broken headstones, and slabs. Any
broken or sunken stones or slabs will be replaced with metal grave markers with the
deceased’s name, date of birth and death.
Since church records do not indicate who is responsible for these grave sites, this
notice is to inform anyone who has relatives buried at the cemetery to contact the
church if they would like to repair or install new gravestones before the maintenance
begins. Also, if you do not have a relative at the cemetery, but know of people who do,
please make them aware of this notice.
If you plan to update your relative(s)’ grave site, or if you have any questions, please be
in contact with our Moderator: Bill Baldwin at (403) 572-3692 or email at Any upgrades that you want to make to your relative(s)’
site(s) will be fully at your own expense.
If the church does not hear from relatives by March 31, 2025, it will be assumed that the
church has permission to go ahead with its plan.